Documents to download
You can find documents related to Privatbanka on the next page
Remarks to the Internetbanking
You can send your remarks to Internet banking functionality to
Authentication in the Internet Banking (Internet Banking manual)
Documents relating to the authentication device
General Business Conditions
Všeobecné obchodní podmínky Privatbanky, a.s. platné od 4.9.2024 a účinné od 4.11.2024
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.3.2024 and effective from 1.5.2024
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.11.2023 and effective from 1.1.2024
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.5.2023 and effective from 1.7.2023
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.3.2023 and effective from 1.5.2023
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.11.2022 a účinné od 1.1.2023
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.7.2021 and effective from 1.9.2021
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.6.2021 and effective from 1.8.2021
Appendix No. 1 to the General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.4.2021 and effective from 1.6.2021
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.3.2021 and effective from 1.5.2021
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.12.2020 and effective from 1.2.2021
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.6.2020 and effective from 1.8.2020
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 1.2.2020 and effective from 1.4.2020
General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka, a.s. valid from 15.12.2019 and effective from 15.2.2020
Archive of General Terms and Conditions of Privatbanka
List of fees
Sazebník poplatků Privatbanky,a.s. platný od 4.9.2024 a účinný od 4.11.2024
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.9.2023 and effective from 1.11.2023
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.3.2023 and effective from 1.5.2023
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.11.2022 and effective from 1.1.2023
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.9.2022 and effective from 1.11.2022
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 4.6.2022 and effective from 4.8.2022
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.3.2022 and effective from 1.5.2022
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 23.6.2021 and effective from 23.8.2021
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.6.2021 and effective from 1.8.2021
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.3.2021 and effective from 1.5.2021
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.8.2020 and effective from 1.10.2020
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.5.2020 and effective from 1.7.2020
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s. valid from 1.2.2020 and effective from 1.4.2020
List of fees Privatbanka,a.s., valid from 15.12.2019 and effective from 15.2.2020
Archive of the Privatbanka Fees List
Interest rates
Current interest rates
Interest rates archive
Complaints Procedure
Current complaint procedure
Documents with fee information
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Invest Konto, effective from 4.8.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Konto Plus, effective from 4.8.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Saving Konto, effective from 4.8.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Basic Konto, effective until 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Konto Plus, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Konto Plus, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Konto, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Konto, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Kontokorent Konto, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Invest Konto, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Standard Konto, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Saving Konto, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Current account in foreign currency, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - The debtor's personal account - effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Privatbanka Konto in currency CZK, effective from 1.5.2022
Document with information about fees - Wealth Konto, effective from 1.5.2022
Archive of documents with fee information
Dictionary of standardized terminology
Dictionary of standardized terminology